What's New

August 2021

September 2019

Version 8.4.0 SNC02 Web Core 02 Web Model 02

download documents here

9th September 2019

Infor v8.4.2

We are pleased to announce that Infor CRM v8.4.2 is now available. This release fixes a large number of defects and improvements across Windows & Web applications.

See here for more details about each release.

May 2019

Version 8.4.0 SNC01 Web Core 01 Web Model 01

download documents here

13th May 2019

Infor v8.4.1

We are pleased to announce that Infor CRM v8.4.1 is now available. This release fixes a large number of defects and improvements across Windows & Web applications.

See here for more details about each release.

April 2018

Version 8.3 SNC10 Web Core 10 Web Model 10

download documents here

16th April 2018

Infor v8.3.0

We are pleased to announce that Infor CRM v8.3 Update 10 is now available. This release fixes a number of defects and improvements across Windows & Web applications.

See here for more details about each release.

January 2018

Version 8.4.0 SNC00 Web Core 00 Web Model 00

download documents here

19th January 2018

Infor v8.4.0

We are pleased to announce that Infor CRM v8.4 is now available. This release fixes a number of defects and improvements across Windows & Web applications.

See here for more details about each release.

October 2017

Version 8.3.0 SNC09 Web Core 09 Web Model 09

download documents here

3rd October 2017

Infor v8.3.0 Updates

We are pleased to announce that Update 09 is now available. This release fixes a number of defects and improvements across Windows & Web applications.

See here for more details about each release.

July 2017

Version 8.3.0 SNC08 Web Core 08 Web Model 08

download documents here

20th July 2017

Infor v8.3.0 Updates

We are pleased to announce that Update 08 is now available. This release fixes a number of defects and improvements across Windows & Web applications.

See here for more details about each release.

May 2017

Version 8.3.0 SNC07 Web Core 07 Web Model 07

download documents here

3rd May 2017

Infor v8.3.0 Updates

We are pleased to announce that Update 07 is now available. This release fixes a number of defects and portal speed improvements for SData and VFS application.

See here for more details about each release.

March 2017

Version 8.3.0 SNC06 Web Core 06 Web Model 06

download documents here

8th March 2017

Infor v8.3.0 Updates

We are pleased to announce that Update 06 is now available. This release fixes a number of defects and portal speed improvements for SData and VFS application.

See here for more details about each release.

January 2017

Version 8.2.0 SNC04 Web Core 04 Web Model 04

download documents here

17th January 2017

Infor v8.2.0 Updates

We are pleased to announce that Update 04 is now available. This release fixes a number of defects and several enhancements.

See here for more details about each release.

December 2016

Version 8.3.0 SNC05 Web Core 05 Web Model 05

download documents here

22nd December 2016

Infor v8.3.0 Updates

We are pleased to announce that Update 05 is now available. This release fixes a number of defects and portal speed improvements for SData.

See here for more details about each release.

November 2016

Version 8.3.0 SNC04 Web Core 04 Web Model 04

download documents here

2nd November 2016

Infor v8.3.0 Updates

We are pleased to announce that Update 04 is now available. This release fixes a number of defects and introduces contour integration (“nearby”) for contacts/companies that are near each other.

See here for more details about each release.

September 2016

Version 8.3.0 SNC03 Web Core 03 Web Model 03

download documents here

8th September 2016

Infor v8.3.0 Updates

We are pleased to announce that Update 03 is now available. This release fixes a number of defects and introduces a performance fix for report generation.

See here for more details about each release.

August 2016

Version 8.1.0 SNC09 Web Core 09 Web Model 09

download documents here

23rd August 2016

Infor v8.1.0 Updates

We are pleased to announce that Update 09 is now available. This release fixes a number of defects and introduces a performance fix for report generation.

See here for more details about each release.

Version 8.2.0 SNC03 Web Core 03 Web Model 03

download documents here

23rd August 2016

Infor v8.2.0 Updates

We are pleased to announce that Update 03 is now available. This release fixes a number of defects and introduces a performance fix for report generation.

See here for more details about each release.

July 2016

Version 8.3.0 SNC02 Web Core 02 Web Model 02

download documents here

25th July 2016

Infor v8.3.0 Updates

We are pleased to announce that Update 02 is now available. This release fixes a number of defects and introduces a performance fix for report generation.

See here for more details about each release.

May 2016

Version 8.3.0 SNC01 Web Core 01 Web Model 01

download documents here

19th May 2016

Infor v8.3.0 Updates

We are pleased to announce that Update 01 is now available. This release fixes a number of defects and introduces a performance fix for report generation.

See here for more details about each release.

April 2016

Version 8.3.0

Infor v8.3.0 Released

We are pleased to announce that v8.3 is now available for general release. We are updating this page as documentation is made available.

October 2015

Exchange 2016 & Office 2016

These are now generally available by Microsoft. Please check the resources section for further details.

September 2015

Version 8.2.0 SNC01, Web Core 01 Web Model 01

download documents here

Infor v8.2.0 Updates

We are pleased to announce that Update 01 is now available. See the release blog for more details about what is included in this release.

August 2015

Great Customer Feedback

It’s always great to receive good feedback and it doesn’t get much better than this ! Working into the early hours over the last few nights we provided testing and code for a customers’ outsourced IT provider. They commented:

“Over 25 years working with a very large number of software companies and vendors I have encountered many who have excellent technical skills. Finding one with genuinely outstanding Customer Service is much less common. So finding one with both is a rare find indeed. We have been working on a project that required expert advice in a massive hurry and the team at Empath-e could not have helped more, not only responding at incredibly short notice but, recognising that we were up against a tight deadline, well beyond service levels that anyone would normally expect of a vendor. Not only did they fully solve our problem but they did so in a way that has saved us a lot of effort elsewhere in the project. I cannot speak highly enough of them. Many, many thanks.”

Doug Hesketh, Director – Advisory Services, Acora Acora are the strategic IT partners for Syscap

July 2015

Windows 10

Windows 10 Released

Microsoft have now released Windows 10 as of July 29th – We previously ran a few tests of Inform CRM 8.2 and Windows 10 Insider Preview – check out our report to see how it all went.

Version 8.1.0 SNC07, Web Core 07 Web Model 07

download documents here

Infor v8.1.0 Updates

We are pleased to announce that Update 07 is now available. This combines both Windows and Web clients and localised for EN, FR, DE & IT. See the release notes for more details about what is included in this release.

June 2015

08xx Call costs

You may have heard that Ofcom is making it clear how much calls to ’08’ phone numbers cost.

From 1st July, when you ring any of our 084 numbers, calls will cost 3p per minute plus your telephone company’s access charge. This rate has not actually changed, it’s a local rate number (non-geographic).

Version 8.2.0 Released

More Details

Infor v8.2.0 Released

We are pleased to announce that Infor CRM 8.2.0 is now available. Please see the announcement page for more details on this release.

We have also installed this version on Windows 10 Insider Preview – check out the document for details!

April 2015

We are pleased to announce v3 of Concep Send for Infor CRM (v7 & v8). This now supports the latest API for Concep, improved sending speed and full API integration. Read more about how to use the system in the User Guide / Implementation Guide

Version 8.1.0 SNC06, Web Core 06 Web Model 06

download documents here

Infor v8.1.0 Updates

We are pleased to announce that Update 06 is now available. This combines both Windows and Web clients and localised for EN, FR, DE & IT. See the release notes for more details about what is included in this release.

London Marathon 2015

London Marathon 2015

Our very own Adam Travers completed the London Marathon on 26th April 15 in a respectable 5h 00m 58s ! As of 26th April he has raised over £2,500 for our nominated charity Animals Asia. Thanks to everyone who donated, much appreciated!

If you wish to donate – please use the Virgin MoneyGiving site – as all donations (plus relevant gift aid) will go directly to Animals Asia.

March 2015

Infor CRM Named A Top Rated CRM Platform by Software Users on TrustRadius

We are happy to announce today that Infor CRM was named a top-rated CRM platform for mid-size companies in the 2015 TrustRadius Buyer’s Guide to CRM Software. Based solely on user reviews and ratings, reviewers highlighted solution flexibility, mobile CRM, and the advancements made since the 2014 acquisition of Infor CRM (formerly Saleslogix).

Peer reviews rank high in software evaluations, and we are always happy to hear from customers about their experiences with Infor CRM. We encourage existing customers to submit an Infor CRM review through TrustRadius and invite prospective customers to review what other like-minded companies have to say.

Download your free copy of the report here: www.trustradius.com/guides/crm

January 2015

Version 8.1.0 SNC05, Web Core 05 Web Model 05, Mobile 3.2

download documents here

Infor v8.1.0 Updates

We are pleased to announce that Update 05 is now available. This introduces the new branding from Infor across the Windows, Web & Mobile product ranges.

NB: SNC04 was an internal release only.

We have updated our demo suite for you to try these new versions.

12th January 2015

The Infor CRM 8.1 Update 05 is the first manifestation of the investment Infor have made into the platform and contains a fresh new user interface and several notable features such as:

  • Detail view has more room for tabs and better support for scrolling through stacked tabs placed in the middle pane. The detail view slitter which separated the detail pane from the tabs is now optional. The detail view splitter is off by default but can be turned back on by an option in the master template
  • Export filtered data to Microsoft Excel. In the past, the export to Excel feature would export the content of the group. Now the feature will filter the list based on look up results and it will filter exported data based on filter selection
  • Dynamically filter reports and report history using filters. Reporting and report history views include dynamic list view filtering similar to other entities
  • New SData API support for filtering of Crystal Report templates and report history
  • Improved History view experience and performance. Users can choose to view history based on if you are a primary contact or lead or across all participants and improves performance while viewing the list
  • Improved attachments view. Attachments are now sorted by which attachments were most recently updated at the top of the list
  • Several improvements to quality and performance. Faster navigation with large lists of groups and with groups with large sets of data
  • New and Improved look and feel for the Web Client. Web Client user interface adopts the new Infor Hook & Loop rebranded styling, fonts, icons, and colours
  • Optional bundles to apply login UI and help if the full model update cannot be immediately applied which enables the user interface to have a consistent, rebranded look and feel
  • Schema enhancements to enable ION integration and Sync for Exchange
  • SData portal user authentication

Upcoming releases include updates to Infor CRM Advanced Analytics, ION Integration to enable unification with ERP solutions, enhancements to Visual Analyzer, Xbar for Outlook v1.2, and much more!

The new dashboard view, highlighting the new navigation, widgets, color, and styling
The new list view, highlighting the new grid and icons
The new detail view, highlighting improved tab viewing and removal of the split view

November 2014

New Utility

Based on a customer requirement, we created a small utility to convert documents created directly in Microsoft Word into Infor CRM’s mail-merge system. Simply point it at the Word document and it imports it into Infor CRM.

Corporate Videos

New Corporate Videos

We are pleased to announce availability of two new Infor CRM videos.

These videos cover a product overview and look specifically at Infor CRM Xbar for Outlook®, and are good showcases of Infor CRM.

Social Media

Infor CRM has now completed the migration of all social networks from Saleslogix to Infor CRM. Follow us and spread the word! Infor CRM: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube

October 2014

London Marathon 2015

London Marathon 2015

We’re excited to announce that our very own Adam Travers has been selected to run the London Marathon in April 2015. He’s raising money on behalf of our nominated charity Animals Asia. Good luck Adam !

If you wish to donate – please use the Virgin MoneyGiving site – as all donations (plus relevant gift aid) will go directly to Animals Asia.

Nucleus Research Report

Nucleus shift Infor into Leaders Quadrant

Infor has moved into the Leaders Quadrant, according to the industry analysts Nucleus. You can read more about this report here, or the comments from Infor themselves.

September 2014

Marketing Collateral

We have mostly completed the transition of web site and documents to Infor CRM. You can download the new Infor CRM brochure, Top 10 reasons to choose Infor CRM and Discover the Power of X documents.

Saleslogix v8.1.0/8.0.0 Fixes

Web Model 03 was released for v8.1.0. This addresses several issues with Localization and Exporting from groups. Mobile v3.0.4 was also released for versions 7.5.4, v8.0 and v8.1.

Both Web Core 03 and SNC03 for 8.1 were re-released on 18th September, be sure to get the latest version.

Saleslogix now Infor CRM™

Saleslogix transitions to Infor

New As of 3rd September the acquisition by Infor has completed. You can read more on this exciting transition on this page. Over the next few weeks we will begin the rebranding to Infor CRM™

empath-e Customer Day 2014

What a fantastic day & night was had during our first Customer Day! We travelled aboard the Sunseeker “Truce” and attended Cowes Week in style! Followed by a night at Rhinefield House in the New Forest. Amazing customer feedback assures us that this is an event we shall definitely do again in the future! The event was also attended by Swiftpage and Concep our vendor partners.

August 2014

Version 8.1.0 SNC03 Version 8.0.0 SNC20

Saleslogix v8.1.0/8.0.0 Fixes

SNC Update 03 was released for v8.1.0. This fixes many issues and should be applied to all sites running v8.1.0. SNC Update 20 and Web Model 7 were released for 8.0.0.

Saleslogix now Infor CRM™

Saleslogix transitions to Infor

New As of 3rd September the acquisition by Infor has completed.

New We have created a page dedicated to this news and will updated this as updates come out.

In an exciting move, an announcement was made today (14th August 2014) indicating an agreement having been reached to sell Saleslogix to Infor. We have a conference call with Swiftpage tomorrow (15th August 2014) where we will learn more about what this means for you and Saleslogix longer term. Given the size of Infor, its product suites and customer base we fully expect this to be very positive move for customers of Saleslogix.

empath-e Customer Day 2014

What a fantastic day & night was had during our first Customer Day! We travelled aboard the Sunseeker “Truce” and attended Cowes Week in style! Followed by a night at Rhinefield House in the New Forest. Amazing customer feedback assures us that this is an event we shall definitely do again in the future! The event was also attended by Swiftpage and Concep our vendor partners.

July 2014

Compatibility Guide

Saleslogix v8.0.0 Compatibility Guide

Updated for June 2014 and includes latest OS and X-Bar requirements.

Version 8.0.0 Web Core

Saleslogix v8.0.0 Fixes

Web Core 07 was released. This fixes several issues with web client, see document for more details.

Saleslogix Xbar

Saleslogix Xbar for Microsoft® Outlook®

Saleslogix v8.0 and v8.1 customers with a valid maintenance contract can get the new Saleslogix Xbar add-in at no charge to embed CRM inside your Microsoft® Outlook® inbox.

When a lead, contact, account, or task is accessed through Outlook, the Saleslogix Xbar instantly displays related contact, activity, opportunity information and more from Saleslogix. Use the Saleslogix Xbar for Outlook to:

  • Freely work with and modify Saleslogix information, taking actions and updating information as necessary, all from within Outlook
  • Turn unstructured email threads in Outlook into defined tasks, opportunities, leads, accounts, tickets, and more in Saleslogix
  • Drag and drop email signatures from Outlook to quickly create new contacts, leads, and tickets in Saleslogix
  • See everyone in Saleslogix associated with a specific account, contact, lead, email thread, or opportunity from Outlook

Learn more about Saleslogix Xbar for Outlook at CRMthreads.com today or read this short document for full details!

June 2014

SQL 2012SP2 & SQL 2014

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 SP2 / SQL 2014

Microsoft releases SP2 for SQL Server 2012. This is the last expected SP prior to SQL2014 taking precedence for new installations. We have also just tested SQL Server 2014 please review this page for SQL Server 2014 instructions and hints.

Version 8.0.0 SNC

Saleslogix v8.0.0 Fixes

SNC Update 12 was released. This fixes an issue with SyncServer and off-line web clients.

April 2014

Corporate Sponsorship

We are pleased to be sponsoring the Animals Asia summer event on 19th June at Gilgamesh Restaurant, London with Downton Abbey’s ‘Mrs Patmore’ Lesley Nicol and Peter Egan. Find out more….

empath-e Customer Day 2014

We are delighted to announce details of our customer event for 2014. Customers are invited on-board ‘Truce’, a Sunseeker Superyacht, for the day to watch the Cowes Week regatta. We will then transfer to Rhinefield House for the evening and guests are invited to stay over should they wish. Swiftpage will also be in attendance to discuss future products and direction. It’s sure to be a fun & lively event!

Version Updates

Saleslogix v8.x Fixes

SLX v8.0.0 Web Model Update 06 & SLX v8.1.0 Web Model 01 & SLX v8.1.0 SNC Update 02 were released. A Known Issues document was also created for v8.1.

Customer Survey 2014

Thanks to everyone who completed the survey, we are very pleased with the results and look forward to implementing some of your suggestions shortly! See customer day above for the first results of this survey!

March 2014

Version 8.0.0 SNC

Saleslogix v8.0.0 Fixes

SNC Update 16 was released.

February 2014

Version 8.1.0 QA

Saleslogix v8.1.0 Q & A

A short Q&A session on some of the new features within Saleslogix v8.1.0. We’ve also updated the marketing materials to detail this release.

Version 8.x.x

Saleslogix v8.1.0 SNC Update 01 and Web Core 01 and Saleslogix v8.0.0 SNC Update 11 and Web Core 06 were released in February.

January 2014

Version 8.1.0

Saleslogix v8.1.0

We are pleased to announce that Saleslogix v8.1.0 has now been released. Use the link to examine this new version in more detail.

Malicious Activity

Due to the increased levels of virus, trojans and malicious activity affecting IT equipment starting 1st January 2014 we will no longer offer removal as part of our standard contract. We can, of course, still provide this service on a time and materials basis. We recommend and install ESET at all our maintained sites.

December 2013

New Outlook Sync for v8.1.0

We couldn’t resist showing you the new Outlook Sync (replacing IntelliSync). Available for 32bit & 64bit Office 2007-2013! Details to follow shortly in our new SLX 8.1.0 section.

Concep Send & Saleslogix Web

We are delighted to announce the availability of Saleslogix Web v8.0 with Concep | Send support.

Charitable Support

In line with our policy to support charitable organisations we have contininued our support for Animals Asia this year and, also, now support a local, Southampton based, organisation who are dedicated to the rescue and re-home of unwanted and ill-treated rabbits.

We were also delighted to attend Richard Symonds latest exhibition Wild at HeART in Bramley on 1st December. More photos here!

October 2013

Older Releases

Saleslogix 7.5.0 – 7.5.3 Critical Fix Only Status

Due to the ever changing IT environment and market, Swiftpage need to focus their resources on 7.5.4, 8.0 and the imminent release of 8.1.  Therefore, Swiftpage are announcing that Saleslogix versions 7.5.0 thru 7.5.3 are moving to Critical Fix Only Status as of 31-Oct-2013. No official product retirement date has yet been announced.


The Saleslogix compatibility list was updated for October’13. New Saleslogix brochure, updated Mobile materials.

Mobile 3.0.0

Saleslogix Mobile 3.0.0

Released at the recent conference in Gateshead, we’ve updated our on-line demo for mobile 3.0.0 – login with your mobile/tablet device right now!

September 2013

We are attending the first, annual, Swiftpage Partner Conference in Scottsdale, Arizona during 4th-7th November. We will also be attending the Swiftpage Partner Conference at Swiftpage’s new offices in Gateshead on 8-9th October 2013. We will send out updates as we learn them via our Twitter feed!

August 2013

Mobile 2.2.0

Saleslogix Mobile 2.2.0

We’ve updated our on-line demo for mobile 2.2.0 – login with your mobile/tablet device right now!

Version 8.1.0

Saleslogix v8.1 prepares for Autumn Release

Saleslogix v8.1 brings some great new features; notably support for Office 64bit, Internet Explorer 64bit and expanded browser support such as Chrome, Firefox and Safari. In addition, support for Google Apps will be introduced during this release. Read more…

July 2013

SPLA Licensor ISVR Licensor

empath-e now Microsoft SPLA/ISVR Accredited

We are delighted to have been accepted in both the Microsoft Service Provider License Agreement and Microsoft ISVR Agreement. This means we can now offer any Microsoft product on a per-month recurring basis. For example, rather than purchase Microsoft Exchange 2013 for £1,100 for 5 users you can now cost effectively rent five users for just £11.10 per month! If your Saleslogix system requires SQL Server/Exchange, again, we can offer these at attractive per-month pricing to reduce capital expenditure. Please note, this does not extend to devices within your private network, only services hosted by us.

Swiftpage, have expanded their UK operations with new premises on Newcastle’s Quorum Business Park.

Swiftpage establish international sales operation in Newcastle

Head of Swiftpage’s Newcastle Operations, Lindsay Boullin, said: “Everyone here at Swiftpage is thrilled to move into our new office at Quorum. It will allow us to better facilitate our support, sales and training operations by doubling the square footage of our office space and supporting the technology required to deliver world class customer service to an international customer base.“ Read more…

June 2013

We are pleased to announce that both empath-e Limited and empath-e Services had another great year – with a year on year turnover increase of over 49%, compared to 32% for the prior year. Our grateful thanks to all our customers!

» Saleslogix Logo Change

As of 1st July 2013 the acquisition has now completed.

The re-branding by Swiftpage brings the new Saleslogix logo. Here’s a short video from the President and CEO John Oechsle of Swiftpage talking about the changes.

» Saleslogix v8.0.0 SNC Update 06/Core 03

Fixes several issues with Windows and Web Clients. Be sure to review the document on the changes required to support these platforms.

May 2013

» Saleslogix v8.0.0 SNC Update 07/v7.5.4 Hot-Fix 14

Fixes several issues with Sync & the provider. Be sure to review the document on the changes required to support these platforms.

» Windows XP and Office 2003 retires April 8th 2014

We have contacted customers in relation to the above. Check out more on this page about what to do next.

April 2013

» Saleslogix Market Space

Find certified applications designed to extend Saleslogix across different business needs.

» Saleslogix v8.0.0 SNC Update 03/08 & Web Update 02

This introduces support for Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Internet Explorer 10 and Office 2013. Be sure to review the document on the changes required to support these platforms.

March 2013

» Saleslogix v8 is now certified for Windows 8 and Server 2012 – you can find out more about the updates required by Saleslogix v8 here.
» The acquisition of Saleslogix and ACT! by Swiftpage completed at 5pm on 20th March 2013. You can read more about this here.

» Saleslogix v8.0.0 Fixes | v7.5.4 Fixes

Several fixes are now available for Version 7.5.4 and v8.0.0

February 2013

» Saleslogix v7.5.4 Lan Update 16

This update fixes sync issues and library documents.

» Sage ACT! and Saleslogix acquired by Swiftpage

In case you missed the announcement on the main page, further information on this exciting news can be found here!

January 2013

» Saleslogix v7.5.4 Web Package 06

This package contains many fixes for v7.5.4 Web product.

» Re-Certification for Version 8.

We are pleased to announce that we have re-certified for version 8 and are fully compliant with Sage’s training and certification requirements.

December 2012

» Service Packs & New Versions! We’ve had a busy month testing new versions of Office, SQL Server, Exchange and Internet Explorer. Check out the resources page for further information. You can also find a list of the version numbers in the Version Map document, which is always available in the Support Pane on the right hand side.

» Important: Sage have recently updated their terms and conditions in regard to the Sage Annual License Plan (“SALP”). All customers currently on a maintenance plan are advised to read the new terms to ensure that they understand them. The terms, however, are non-negotiable by Sage. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any further questions.

» Saleslogix v8.0.0 was released on 6th December 2012! Visit our new Saleslogix v8 area to be kept updated about what’s new. We’re also in the process of putting together the v8 Resource Page. Check back regularly for updates!

November 2012

» We have successfully tested Saleslogix v7.5.4 on Windows 8, see the resource page for more information. Click on the image for a larger version to see it in action!

» Saleslogix v8.0.0 materials are now being released and updated by Sage. Visit our new Saleslogix v8 area to be kept updated about what’s new. We’re also in the process of putting together the v8 Resource Page. Check back regularly for updates!

» Saleslogix v7.5.4 Hot-Fix 13, Saleslogix v7.5.3 Hot-Fixes 10 & 21 were released . Check the links on the right-hand side menu for more details.

September 2012

» We are attending the 4th Annual Sage Bootcamp in Scottsdale, Arizona during 4th-8th Nov. We will also be attending the official launch party of Saleslogix v8 at Sage Winnersh on 24th October 2012. Our Version 8 Page will be updated with more information as we get closer to these dates.

We’re trekkin’ again! In October 2013 we hope to complete a new Trek to Vietnam. Want to join us? View the Poster & Flyer and let us know! Want to know what it involves? View the Dossier. If you are up for the challenge, know someone who is – or just want to simply sponsor us, please let me know !

July 2012

Following on from the success of Moonstruck 2012 we are delighted to announce that empath-e were awarded “Best Corporate Supporter 2012” from Animals Asia UK. We look forward to Moonstruck 2013 – rumoured to be being held in Hong Kong! Read more here….

11/07/12 – Our resource page for Saleslogix v8 and SQL2012 document updated. All previously found issues are now corrected in this release.

06/07/12 – Saleslogix v7.5.3 Hot-Fix 10 was released.

June 2012

We are pleased to announce that empath-e Limited and empath-e Services had an amazing ’10/11 – with a year on year turnover increase of over 32%! Thanks to all our customers – here’s to ’12/13 !

Sage Saleslogix v8.0.0 was released for Beta Testing on June 23rd! We are currently busy testing and preparing the web site to bring you further information as it becomes available. One of the features that we know you will pleased to hear is the certification for Microsoft SQL Server 2012.

Several new fixes were added for 7.5.4 read more

May 2012

» Sage have recently commissioned an independent study of their customer base. They use Net Promoter Scoring (NPS) which is based on the fundamental perspective that every company’s customers can be divided into three categories: Promoters, Passives, and Detractors.

By asking one simple question – How likely is it that you would recommend (Company X) to a friend or colleague? – you can track these groups and get a clear measure of your company’s performance through its customers eyes. Customers respond on a 0-to-10 point rating scale and are categorised as follows:

  • Promoters (score 9-10) are loyal enthusiasts who will keep buying and refer others, fuelling growth.
  • Passives (score 7-8) are satisfied but unenthusiastic customers who are vulnerable to competitive offerings.
  • Detractors (score 0-6) are unhappy customers who can damage your brand and impede growth through negative word-of-mouth.

We are pleased to report that, with the results so far collected, our customers have given us a resounding “10” for customer service, availability and recommendation! Click on the image for the actual results.

April 2012

The Moonstruck 2012 exhibition. at the Menier Gallery on London’s South Bank, was a great success! The exhibition drew a preview night crowd that was, according to the gallery, the best they’d ever had! The artists, Richard and Suzie created more than 110 exhibits and the event was fantastic! Read More

» Web Fix 04 & LAN Fix 07/08 for 7.5.4 were released. Check the links on the right-hand side menu for more details.

March 2012

Following several customer requests we have, in conjunction with our development partner, produced a new utility that will record ALL inbound and outbound communcations with your customer. This saves your users a lot of time and removes the need for them to use SendSLX at all. As it uses Exchange, irrespective of the users’ location, the utility will still work. Read More

» Two Hot-Fixes for 7.5.3 and 7.5.4 were released. Check the links on the right-hand side menu for more details.

February 2012

» Exchange SP2 Update Rollup 1 was released on Feb 13th, read more

» Exchange Service Pack 2 was released during December 2012, read more

For those customers on a valid support contract we will be operating a rolling upgrade to this version to ensure you remain current with service packs, defect fixes and general improvements.

January 2012

We are excited to announce that empath-e are exclusively sponsoring the Moonstruck 2012 exhibition at the Menier Gallery on London’s South Bank. The exhibition will be opened by Jill Robinson MBE, founder of Animals Asia, and will feature the work of wildlife artist Richard Symonds and sculptor Suzie Marsh. Read More

» Two Hot-Fixes for 7.5.3 were released. Check the links on the right-hand side menu for more details.

December 2011

» SQL Server 2012 (“Denali”) RC0 was released on 3rd December. This new release further improves Microsoft’s offering for reliability, scalability and performance. Importantly, it reduces the number of editions available – moving to a core based licensing model. Update: Expected released is now 7th March 20102. You can read more about this new licensing here.

» Seven Hot-Fixes for 7.5.4, 7.5.3 & 7.5.2 were released. Check the links on the right-hand side menu for more details.

October 2011

» We are attending the 3rd annual Sage Bootcamp in Scottsdale, Arizona during 6th-10th Nov. A geekfest of information to be found out – watch this space!

» Mike and Tracie are heading off to China on October 16th for their five day trek! This is followed by a visit to the sanctuary in Chengdu as a reward! You can read more and support us if you wish by checking into our Just Giving site and via Animals Asia Site.
» Several new fixes were added for 7.5.3 read more

September 2011

» During Sage’s year end competition “Sage BP Summer Games“, empath-e were listed in the top 5 (of 274)! We accumulated 2 Golds, 2 Silvers & 2 Bronze medals. In real terms this is an achievement of 305% of our target set by Sage! Our grateful thanks to all the customers who supported us!

» SalesLogix v7.5.4 Web Update 01, more details

» SalesLogix v7.5.3 Web Update 06, Hot-Fix 19, more details

» We have clarified the requirements for Office 365 and Office 64bit, more details

July 2011

» Sage announce SalesLogix v7.2 to be retired on 30th July 2012, read more

» Our demo site has been updated for SalesLogix v7.5.4, check it out!

» Four Hot-Fixes for 7.5.3 were released. Check the links on the right-hand side menu for more details.

June 2011

7.5 SP4

» Sage have now released v7.5.4. Some noteable inclusions are as follows:

We will be adding more information on the Version page…
  • Sage SalesLogix 7.5.4 delivers the integration capability to facilitate integration with Sage ERP 1000 v4.0 ensuring front and back office consistency within customer records and eliminating duplicate data entry or data inaccuracies.
  • The Installation and Upgrade process has been enhanced so that customers upgrading from 7.5.x or new customers only have to install the service pack. Pre-requisites for the installation have been moved to the beginning of the installation wizard to streamline the installation process and logging has been improved to aid trouble shooting.
  • This service pack includes a number of exciting new features, extensive usability enhancements and market leading innovations for ERP integration – all with a focus on quality, cost of ownership and user experience.

May 2011

» We are currently evaluating SalesLogix 2011 R2 (7.5.4) and will publish more details as we get them! Meanwhile, an issue with Internet Explorer 9 has been identified in the mail-merge process. More details.

7.5 SP4

April 2011

» The new SalesLogix Mobile delivers rich CRM functionality across multiple mobile platforms via a browser-based application that is easy to deploy and manage and is available at no extra charge to Sage SalesLogix customers (*requires v7.5.3). You can read more about this new technology or give it a try right now!

March 2011

» Eight Hot-Fixes for 7.5.3, 7.5.2 & 7.2.2 were released. Check the links on the right-hand side menu for more details.

February 2011

» Added hot-fix 46 to SalesLogix 7.2.2 – read more here resources page

January 2011

» Thirteen new fixes were added to resources page for hot-fixes and service packs. We encourage all customers to review the documentation and see if they apply to your system.

December 2010

» We are delighted to announce that we successfully merged the UK & Danish SalesLogix systems for ZyXEL! The new system is located out of Denmark and servers all European areas with planned growth into other locations in the future. The project was delivered on-time and within budget.

» Pinsent Masons LLP recently faced an issue with their email address quality, prior to their annual Christmas Card mail-out. Simon McNidder comments:

CRM database success is very dependant on data quality.  So we spend quite a bit of time identifying data integrity rules, currently about 150 per month, for our system to automatically check for on a regular basis.  One of the hardest areas to get right is email addresses.  With email being so key to our marketing activities these days, it’s important to have emails that get delivered.  A very near match just won’t do, like it can with postal addresses, and typos continually creep into email addresses.  I’ve known the team at empath-e for a while and, although I trusted them and their software, I couldn’t plug their email confidence checker solution into our CRM system (which is supplied by someone else).  So, as usual, they came up with a good solution – they simply took my emails and returned the faulty emails & IDs the same day!  It was as easy as that.  Very cost effective as well.  Some had common typos – which were identified in the returned file, and some were tagged as not even existing.  Thanks to empath-e, we’ve immediately been able to clean the typos and ensure the emails get delivered.  It’ll take longer to sort the invalid emails – but at least we can identify the faulty ones for further investigation.  I’d recommend this service to anyone who takes their marketing data seriously.

Simon McNidder, Global CRM Database Manager, Pinsent Masons LLP

For more information on this utility – please visit our product page, or download the flyer and contact us for more information.

November 2010

» During Sage Sage Visions 2010, held on 3rd November at the Concept Centre in Milton Keynes, we won the title for “Extraordinary Customer Service 2010 ” !

Mike Spragg comments “This is fantastic news and endorses our commitment to customer service, the development of SalesLogix project solutions and is immensely positive for our customer O.W. Bunker & Trading A/S – especially as they are rolling out the project to a further eight countries over the next few weeks ! You can read more about this intriguing project and the criteria for this award here.

The write-up for the award entry was designed and developed by our marketing company, B&V Creative, who did a fantastic job within a very short space of time.

Our thanks go to Chris Jones of Quanta Training for submitting an excellent write-up of their CRM project as it has developed over the years – which also made the shortlist but, sadly, we couldn’t win in two categories. Our thanks also go to Mark Dykun of BitTelligent in Canada who authored the Navision Integration and data manipulation tools on the O.W project.

» The Animals Asia event at Goodwood House was fantastic. Empath-e raised £6,175 for the evening as part of the auction! Many thanks to those of you who contributed your kind donations.

Read more about this event here.

September 2010

» We are delighted to have been selected as the Business Partner of choice for ZyXEL Communications A/S based in Søborg, Denmark. The plan is to merge the three SalesLogix systems in Denmark, UK and Germany and upgrade them to v7.5.3. Quite a challenge – especially given the timeframe!

August 2010

» We are pleased to announce our association with this great charity, founded by Jill Robinson MBE. We will also be attending the talk, dinner and auction at Goodwood House, Chichester on 8th October, with patron Virginia McKenna OBE, to help raise money for this important charity/NGO. empath-e will also be donating £2,500 to the foundation – instead of sending Christmas Gifts and Cards this year and have launched an appeal for sponsorship to make this up to £5,000 by 8th October. We appeal to you, your friends, family and colleagues to visit the Animals Asia Foundation website and read about the barbaric methods used, the injuries caused and the needless suffering subjected to the Asiatic Brown Bear (or moonbear) in the pursuit of homeopathic medicine. Whilst this is deeply rooted in Chinese culture, and has been a practice for many years, we are also aware that the main ingredient is now easily synthesised making this practice completely unnecessary. Please help where you can !

» SalesLogix v7.5.3 was released on Friday 20th August 2010. We have updated this site to include all of the information available on this release, and have updated our demo system to v7.5.3! More details, including compatibility information can be found here.

» Several new fixes were added to resources page for hot-fixes and service packs. We encourage all customers to review the documentation and see if this applies to your system.

» At the recent Sage CRM Solutions launch event held on 20/21st July empath-e are delighted to announce that we have been entered for the “Most Innovative Deployment of a CRM solution” and “Breath Taking Customer Service” awards. The nominations underline our commitment to customer service and the development of SalesLogix project solutions. More to follow and fingers cross for November when the results are announced!

July 2010

» Two new fixes were added to resources page for hot-fixes and service packs. We encourage all customers to review the documentation and see if this applies to your system.

June 2010

» Sage SalesLogix v7.5.3 scheduled for Aug/Sep 2010! Watch this space for more information as it becomes available.

» Nine new fixes were added to resources page for hot-fixes and service packs. We encourage all customers to review the documentation and see if this applies to your system.

» Important information for those considering migrating to Exchange Server 2010.

May 2010

» Don’t forget to check out the resources page for more updates on system configurations, hot-fixes and service packs.

March 2010

Empath-e Services

» From 6th April 2010 we have formed Empath-e Services Limited. This new company enables us to split the CRM elements and IT elements between Empath-e Limited and Empath-e Services Limited, as well as giving us much more flexibility for the future. We are keeping outward changes to a minimum and the only change for existing customers will be in regard to which company you may receive an invoice from, depending on the services received. If you have any questions whatsoever please do not hesitate to contact mike.spragg@empath-e.com or adam.travers@empath-e.com who will be pleased to answer any questions you may have.

» Read the latest partner focus from Orbis Software on why we chose Orbis Task Centre for Business Process Management. Find out more on how BPM can help you within your business.

February 2010

» We can now supply a complete working server for you to evaluate SalesLogix, test upgrades etc. Based on VMWare ESXi, this server simply plugs into your network and is ready to work in minutes. Read more about this new service, offered to all customers and prospects as required.

January 2010

» We are delighted to have been selected by ZyXEL Communications Ltd to consult upon and analyse the rollout strategies of SalesLogix across Europe – as part of their plans to centralise all of their current CRM systems into one system. Handling over 80 users in several regional hubs, this promises to be an exciting project as ZyXEL grow rapidly in their 21st year.

» We are approaching the delivery phase of the SalesLogix 7.5.2 project for O.W. Bunker, part of the Wrist Group. This system, completely customised by empath-e over the last seven months, and featuring full bi-directional integration with their Navision system, will revolutionise the production of quotations, claims and information flow throughout O.W. Bunker – providing a global CRM system for all employees.

» Following a successful transition to empath-e, Jee Limited have now expanded into Aberdeen and will be upgrading to SalesLogix 7.5.2, as part of their integration with Sage 200, and we are delighted to have them re-sign with us for a further two-year contract. As part of their review process, several key features will be added to SalesLogix – ensuring it delivers pertinent and timely information but still retains the ease of use that they have come to expect.

» We’ve added hot-fixes for v7.5.1 and v7.5.2 released recently by SalesLogix. If you are using any of these releases, please review the documentation provided and contact us if you would like them applied to your system.

November 2009

» Version 7.5.2 was released on 25th November 2009. We have updated the resources page with more information & release documents on this new version, which you can read more about here. All customers should have received their personalised upgrading guide. We have also updated our demo site to this version – give it a try!

October 2009

» We’ve signed a new alliance with Orbis Software for TaskCentre. Read more on the following pages. If you need to integrate SalesLogix with external systems, provide alerts and workflow – this product is for you!

» Ready for Windows 7 ? We’ve posted some information to help you once Windows 7 is released on October 22nd ! We’ll be keeping this page updated and will add this to our newsletter.

» We’ve updated the SalesLogix v7.5 page with information on the up-coming v7.5.2 release, which introduces many new usability and performance enhancements. We will shortly be contacting all of our customers to plan/schedule this important upgrade. Watch this site for more details or read more here, and we will also be contacting each customer individually.

Find out more about SalesLogix 7.5.2

» If your company is considering the merits of virtualisation, we can help ! Read our statement of usage.

September 2009

» Several new hot-fixes were released this month for v7.5.1 – check the link for more information.

August 2009

Now available a brand new interactive demonstration of all features available in SalesLogix v7.5.1

Download our new brochure to read more about SalesLogix and what it can do for your business.

Contact us on +44 (0)845 1368445 to discuss how we can help you and your business.

Download our brochure

» Several new hot-fixes are being released this week for v7.5.1 – check the link for more information.

» Many thanks to all of you who participated in our customer survey. The results are now in and we are very pleased to be scored so highly by all of you. We have contacted all of you who had further comments and suggestions and will implement the changes suggested shortly !

July 2009

» Using Sage Finance you can reduce your cashflow requirements and finance software purchases over a period to suit you – including 0% interest options. » Read More

» We can now offer perimeter/edge email services – such as the ability to remove spam and viruses prior to them being delivered to your own email server. » Read More

Email Edge Perimeter Services

» Using Sage e-marketing you can have the option of installing all components required on your own site to produce digital marketing campaigns. This is particularly important if you run a highly secure site and need your data to stay within your local IT infrastructure. » Review the brochure and » Review the prerequisites

» Sage have made significant price changes to the purchase of SalesLogix and new/additional licenses. They have lowered the price for purchasing a new system, reduced the price for add-on licenses and reduced the number of licenses you need to purchase at any one time! » Contact us for more information!

» We constantly strive to meet and exceed your expectations. By completing the survey [now closed] you will be assisting us in the planning stages for our new financial year. Thank you!

June 2009

Were you a customer of BDE Group?

We were all saddened to hear of the sudden demise of BDE Group today (18th May) and if you were a customer of theirs, and require an interim or full support package, please contact us on +44 (0)845 1368445 or email: support@empath-e.com to discuss your options moving forward. » Read More

May 2009

» We can now offer full support programs tailored to your individual needs, either exclusive to SalesLogix and/or incorporating your networking and SQL applications. We have designed these to maximise your investment and, at the same time, to ensure you are always kept ahead of the curve on service packs, OS/SQL issues » Read More Support packages to suit your needs

April 2009

» Sage have just launched their new community web site for Business Partners, Customers and Sage Staff to discuss, learn and share information » Learn More

» We have just launched our referral program. Check out the details and grab yourself some free goods at M&S !

» We have developed a brand new utility for SalesLogix – Email Confidence Check – designed to pre-check your database for bad emails and fully qualify email addresses prior to any digital marketing campaigns to aid accuracy and reduce costs! » Read More

» empath-e are pleased to announce their sponsorship with Marwell Wildlife which has just re-branded from Marwell Zoo. We have adopted several animals for the forthcoming year and are proud to be involved with this respected charity due to their Conservation and Education programs and the valuable work they perform in animal species preservation.

March 2009

» KnowledgeSync 7.6 is now released. Read more about this new version here.

» After working with several inherited databases, we have put together a document that describes how to get the best performance from your SalesLogix system. Designed for SalesLogix 7.2 or higher however, the principles apply to any Saleslogix system » Read More

» We have updated our on-line demo, and in-house system to v7.5.1. You can try out the brand new web version here, or you can request a full on-line demo here.

» Discover how CRM can help you during these financially challenging times, with a new whitepaper from Sage on how CRM can help your business. » Read More

February 2009

» SalesLogix 7.5 Service Pack 1 (7.5.1) was released on 20th Feb – introducing new features, defect fixes and even more compatibility with the LAN client. » Read More

» empath-e are on the move ! As of 2nd March 2009 we will be located at new offices in Eastleigh/Southampton. » See Announcement | New Contact Details

» SalesLogix has been named as 2008 CRM Suite – SMB Product of the Year by SearchCRM and TMCnet for the second year in a row. Judges cited Sage SalesLogix for its ease of use, innovation, and performance. » Read More

January 2009

» We are delighted to welcome Adam Travers as our new Support Director. Many of you will have dealt with him already, during his previous employment at E1 Business, and he’s eager to work with you all again!

If you would like to get in touch & chat over old times, drop him an email at adam.travers@empath-e.com ! » Read More

December 2008

» We can now offer hosting of all your IT requirements through Rackspace, the UK’s premier hosting providers. Learn more.
Learn more about this exciting new release of SalesLogix v7.5! » We have updated our on-line demo, and in-house system to v7.5. You can try out the brand new web version here, or you can request a full on-line demo here. We will then send you details on how to connect to our demo-server and experience both versions !
» If you are using Sage Line 50 – be sure to check out the new utility for automatically bringing the sales data into SalesLogix !

November 2008

TV's Toughest Quiz - The Krypton Factor! » Sage, in conjunction with ITV1, are bringing back TV’s toughest Quiz! The Krypton Factor, which started at 7.30pm on New Years Day, will be Sage’s first major television marketing campaign for a long time, and will provide a vehicle for further on-going marketing strategies surrounding the show.

October 2008

» empath-e hosted their first Halloween Party – a fantastic time was had by all those in attendance!
» We have added information on KnowledgeSync and Satori Software, two new Alliance products, and updated all the Hot-Fix information (15 hot-fixes were just released!) for each version – check out the links to the right for each product.

September 2008

» Concep Global Email Marketing Now Released !

Our integration between SalesLogix and Concep Global is now available !! The system enables you to take data from SalesLogix as part of a marketing campaign and upload it directly to Concep. When a campaign is sent – all information is then returned directly & automatically to SalesLogix without further intervention. Learn more here.

Support Options

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We can remotely control your machine as required. When requested by a support representative, please click the link below to initiate the connection.
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Popular Resources

Urgent Issues (*NEW* 14/12/2021)

What’s New?FREE! Infor CRM Utilities

Current Versions

Infor CRM Version 9.2
Infor CRM Version 9.1
Infor CRM Version 8.5
Infor CRM Version 8.4
Infor CRM Version 8.3

Retired Versions

Infor CRM Version 8.2 | Ver. 8.1 | Ver. 8.0
Infor CRM Version 7.5 | Ver. 7.2Ver. 7.0
Infor CRM Version 6.2

Version Map | Last Updated: 23/01/24

Service Packs and Hot-Fixes are available from our
FTP site – please contact us for login details.

Support: +44 (0)345 136 8449