Codeless Platforms

Business Process Management

BPA Platform 2020 Update 1

BPA Platform 2020 is a powerful suite of Business Process Management (BPM) technologies that ‘loosely couples’ business applications enabling organisations to automate virtually any employee-driven business process. Find out what’s been corrected in this service release.

empath-e are pleased to have been certified as an official Business Partner of Codeless Platforms, the supplier of BPA Platform. You can read more below about how Codeless Platfoms can help monitor critical business activities within your Infor CRM database. v4.5 is now available, contact us for more information, download a full brochure.You can also read about how we chose Orbis for solving everyday tasks and also for more customer-centric solutions.

What is Business Process Management (BPM)?

See an example task for SalesLogixBusiness Process Management in broad terms is the automation of those employee activities that cost the company valuable time and money. All businesses today are dependent on people extracting, formatting and distributing business information from business applications. Yet, people have physical limitations, they are prone to illness and unfortunately make mistakes.

Business Process Management technology is the IT industry’s response to the problems created by employee-dependant applications. Directors, managers, suppliers and customers expect instant responses to real-time commercial interactions and business process management technology leverages all the organisation’s I.T. systems by creating a real-time, responsive infrastructure.

Codeless Platforms solutions and examples of use

Solutions Examples of Use
Advanced Business Alerts
KPI’s, fraud detection, critical failure points, workload exceptions, employee performance alerts and financial warnings.
Increased credit limit acceptance, budget sign-off, production schedule approval and confirmed delivery receipt.
Document Automation
Monthly statements, loading instructions, welcome packs, credit control letters and end-of-line product specials.
Web Content Publishing
Publishing of KPI’s, drop history, current queue status, capacity levels and live customer account statements.
Subscriptions and Requests
Balance enquires, news subscriptions, property details, stock levels and employee shortfalls.
Updated supplier contacts, self-service ticketing, automated unsubscribes, update name and address across multiple applications and refresh personnel details.

Infor CRM Integration

See the following page on how the BPA Platform can integrate with Infor CRM and view an example work-flow task.