Helping Customer Support

Retain all your existing customers

Infor CRM Helping Customer Service & Support

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Sales and Marketing deliver customers to your business, but your Customer Support department keeps them with you for the long haul. With the costs of acquiring new customers 5-10 times higher than retaining existing customers, support solutions designed to help foster lasting relationships with your customers have a tremendous impact on the bottom line.

To explore the full range of benefits, click through pages 1-4 below.

  • Maximise customer satisfaction and loyalty

    Benefit from advanced issue tracking, resolution & customer self help tools that are used by best support teams in the world.

    Effective and quality service case management

    Effectively capture, manage and resolve all your customer issues, including technical support, billing and returns to a high standard.

    Create a support knowledgebase of known resolutions

    Use powerful search tools to enable your staff to quickly find the answers they need.

    Deliver a self-help service

    Allow users to create and view their own tickets and search our support knowledge base online via our website, with Web customer portal supplied with Infor CRM.

  • Reduce support transaction costs

    Maximise the productivity of your teams, remove inefficiencies in your processes and enable customers to help themselves.

    Help sales

    Easily share with them the issues your customers are having, which may be solved by other products and services from your company.

    Maximise the efficiency of your support teams

    Help them efficiently manage and share their tasks, calendars, remind them of key appointments & commitments.

    Automated alerting and escalation

    Monitor your ticket queues proactively with Infor CRM automatically alerting you and escalate tickets when defined condition with tickets is met e.g. overdue tickets. Receive alerts via email, SMS, pager, PDA or phone.

  • Standardise problem resolution techniques

    Drive up speed of resolution and the quality of your service by standardising problem resolution techniques within your teams.

    Know what products customer own

    Track the products/assets owned by your customers and easily tie them to your contracts, returns, defects and support tickets.

    Service contract management

    Made easier by capturing all your contracts information and helping your support teams easily work within the bounds of your contract agreements e.g. per incident, time based. Time can be clocked to the second, if needed, with Punch In/Out capability.

    Manage returns

    Returns can be managed accurately and efficiently whilst recording all transaction information needed.

  • Track defects

    Track product defects and their associated workarounds.

    Performance reporting

    Measure and analyse your key performance indicators e,g, first call resolution, tickets by product, unresolved issues using the easy yet powerful reporting tools.

    Make customer support a sales differentiator

    Infor CRM offers all the features needed to enable your support teams to deliver world class support which your competitors will find difficult to match. Sales should use this to your companies advantage.

    Easy integration

    Integrates with other business applications for complete customer view. Infor CRM integrates with leading back-office applications so service reps can access key customer information such as credit status, balance and terms.

Infor CRM will make a great addition to your Mobile Team.