About empath-e & empath-e services

We are proud of our global reputation for developing CRM solutions that deliver outstanding results for our customers’

Who are we?

empath-e Limited is a dynamic team of highly skilled product development consultants led by Mike Spragg, a very well-respected player within the industry. Mike uses his 35 years experience within the computer hardware/software industry to ensure empath-e can boast a wealth of happy clients. Mike is also fully certified for Infor CRM (Saleslogix) products on both Windows and Web. As a team member he has won several Awards from Sage (the previous providers of Infor CRM). 

empath-e Services Limited is led by Adam Travers and provides the support infrastructure and services for our installed base. Adam has over 20 years of support experience with Infor CRM (Saleslogix) and associated products. Adam is also fully certified for Infor CRM (Saleslogix) products on both Windows and Web.

Empath-e & empath-e Services are members and contributors to some of the best external resources for Infor CRM (Saleslogix).

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What do we do?

We help our customers greatly improve their performance in areas of Sales, Marketing, Customer Service & Customer Support, through the introduction of world class CRM technologies & IT services.
As a certified Infor CRM Business Partner our core business surrounds the products and services associated with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) products. We are also certified and approved by Microsoft and can provide associated business applications, such as Windows, SQL Server and Exchange. We can provide the software and licenses through our Microsoft Service Provider License Agreement and Microsoft ISVR Agreement. This allows you to purchase the software outright (Capex) or through a rental agreement (Opex).

And the "jewel" ?

You will notice that our logo contains a piece of a jigsaw. This represents our ability to be able to understand your needs and fit the puzzle together for you using highly innovative solutions that are designed to complement one another – but cost effectively too.

Why choose empath-e

At empath-e, we place our customers at the heart of our business. Only by helping our customers be successful, through the delivery and support of world class products and services, can we hope to be successful ourselves. You will find our service and solutions of the highest quality, delivered by people who have proven track record of delivering world class solutions to companies across the globe. During customer surveys conducted by ourselves and Infor we consistently score highly in regards to support and customer services.