Helping Sales

All customer information from all departments in one place

Infor CRM Helping Sales

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To explore the full range of benefits, click through pages 1-3 below.
  • Know everything about your customer!

    Centralise & consolidate all your customer information (their profile, needs, preferences, plans, issues, history etc.) from all departments in one place. With this complete understanding of your customer, you can identify new opportunities to sell to them.

    Maximise productivity – minimise inefficiency

    Reduce the time spent searching for customer information and empower your sales team to efficiently manage their activities, automatically schedule follow up calls, prioritise key tasks, easily share and delegate tasks. Help your sales team produce the best results with their time.

    Make good business decisions

    By having access to all your key business performance indicators in one place Infor CRM can help you easily extract and analyse this information to help you make better informed, timely business decisions.

    Grow your pipeline

    By sharing your customer information with your marketing team, you help them to target your customers and prospects and generate more leads for you.

  • Drive repeat sales by maintaining high customer satisfaction

    By sharing your customer information with the customer service & support teams through shared use of Infor CRM, they can improve their service to your existing customers, in turn driving repeat sales.

    Support adoption of your sales processes

    Map your sales processes, Guided Selling Methodologies or stipulated task plans to ensure sales people work in proven ways that maximise results.

    Manage and shorten your sales cycles

    Manage all aspects of the sales cycle. With the powerful sales process mapping and analysis tools you can find ways to shorten your sales cycles, enabling the pursuit of more sales opportunities by your sales people and hence closing more deals.

    Productivity analysis

    Understand what your sales team is doing on a day-to-day basis. Measure the effort around your sales process and identify trends between achievement and productivity.

  • Forecast/pipeline reports

    Gain real time visibility of your revenue streams. Understand how much revenue is coming in, when your deals will close and the impact on your resources (services) and/or stock levels.

    Improve telesales performance

    Map your sales processes & sales scripts in Infor CRM and let it guide your telesales people throughout the sale.

    Track competitor information

    Their tactics, their strengths/weaknesses, their renewal dates.

    Maximise productivity of mobile staff

    All the benefits of Infor CRM can be available offline on a laptop, from a web browser in a hotel or their handheld device.

    Easy integration with your other tools

    Integrate with Outlook, Mobile Phones, other business applications e.g. Accounts system. Infor CRM is designed to make integration as easy and cost efficient as possible.

Infor CRM will make a great addition to your Mobile Team.